As we transition out of July heat and into prime turf growing season, optimize your opportunity to grow lush green grass with these late summer
PJC Blogs
As we transition out of July heat and into prime turf growing season, optimize your opportunity to grow lush green grass with these late summer
When scouting lawns and athletic fields for weeds, always ask yourself: “Why is this weed here?”. The answer always lies in the underlying soil conditions.
Clover, Oxalis, and Black Medic: Differences and Treatment
First, Clover, Oxalis, and Black Medic are three common summer weeds that are often misidentified. Although these weeds can all be confused for one another—and
Distinguish Crabgrass from Goosegrass
It can be tricky to distinguish crabgrass from goosegrass because of their similar growth cycles and appearances. Here, I will break down the characteristics of
Summer Weeds From Compacted Soil
Summer weeds are arriving on the coattails of spring weeds. Environmental conditions—like drought and extreme heat—make it difficult for cool-season turf grasses to compete with
Eliminate Dandelions All-Naturally in Your Lawn
This bright weed is hard to miss when in bloom, with its yellow flower and rapid spreading. Dandelions can be difficult to control since their
All-Natural Treatment of Poa Annua in Lawns & Athletic Fields
What is Poa Annua? Poa Annua is a winter annual that thrives in moist soil conditions. It is particularly noticeable in part shade conditions, but
Control Chickweed Without Pesticides on Your Turf
Spring has sprung and soon so will the weeds. As the days get longer and the soil begins to warm, turf grass is coming out
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PJC Organic is a division of PJC & Company Ecological Land Care, Inc.