Spring Product For Lawns
Pam Newcombe
Early Spring Turf Care

This time of year sets the stage for your turf’s success in the upcoming months. Therefore, let’s address the importance of Spring product for lawns and athletic fields. Read our previous blog on Spring Turf Tips Part 1 & Part 2 for additional seasonal turf recommendations. 

Why Organic Fertilizers?

Many people look to chemicals when applying spring product for lawns and athletic fields. Although, there is growing concern regarding the negative health effects of synthetic fertilizers on people, pets, and the environment. Synthetic fertilizers contain mostly water-soluble nitrogen (WSN) and are activated by water. Consequently, nutrients are released faster than the plant can take up or the microbes can break down for storage in the soil. In addition, there is leaching and run-off which is wasteful and harmful to the environment. The salts from the chemical fertilizers also adversely affect the organisms in the soil that provide the healthy environment your plant needs to grow.  While chemical fertilizers can meet some nutrient needs of the plant, that is all they can do. Unfortunately, your plant becomes dependent on the chemicals to grow rather than getting the nutrients from the soil. 

PJC’s Organic Approach

The basic principle of an organic fertilization program is to feed the soil biology and let the soil biology feed the plants. PJC’s ProHealthy Turf All-Natural Organic Fertilizers provide organic materials and nutrients for soil microorganisms to thrive. Accordingly, these microbes break down the organic materials and nutrients into a form which allows them to be stored in the soil. Then, in response to a signal of specific need from the plant, they release the appropriate nutrient in a form and rate the plant can take it up.  After the nutrients are consumed or stored, the husks of organic matter remain. This helps to improve water retention and soil tilth; creating an environment from which spring vigorous healthy plants. 

PJC Organic Products

PJC continues to add to our core organic turf product line. Our goal is always to further encourage microbial activity, provide nutrients, and enhance soil chemistry to grow healthy turf. Our Spring product for lawns will enhance early season turf response. Thus, enabling you to meet the demands around commencement, spring athletics and/or high-expectation clients. 

March—April: BOOST+S3 

PJC’s newest product, designed to meet your soil’s needs coming out of Winter! BOOST+S3 is a soil conditioner and bio stimulant used to improve soil chemistry, soil biology, and soil structure. It is made from plant proteins and essential minerals (calcium, sulfur, and iron) plus 2.75% humate. Its high mineral composition is meant to decrease compaction and added humates increase nutrient holding capacity. All the while, chelated iron allows early mineral uptake increasing chlorophyll production in the turf plant. The soil microbes are still waking up from Winter, so get a head start on Spring fertility for your turf with with BOOST+S3.  (March-April) 

May—June: CHARGE-S3 

PJC’s CHARGE-S3 is made from biochar, molasses, kelp, animal and plant proteins. Use  throughout the season to improve soil chemistry, soil structure and soil biological activity (S3). CHARGE-S3 is a steady food source, increases nitrogen fixation, nutrient retention and cycling; while making Ca, Mg, K, P and other micronutrients more bioavailable. It aids in water retention and absorption of inhibitory compounds, all while adding a carbohydrate source to help soil bacteria proliferate! (May-June) 

7-0-2+ ProHealthy Organic Turf Fertilizer

PJC’s ProHealthy Organic Fertilizers are formulated to feed soil microbes, improve your soil, and keep the environment safe. We use all-natural premium ingredients as a food source for soil biology while adding organic matter to the soil.  Our 7-0-2+ product is a 2-in-1 fertilizer and soil conditioner that has added humates (no urea, municipal waste or manure). Added humates increase soil nutrient holding capacity while also providing a short and medium nitrogen feed for the turf. This product is easy to apply and is slow release—resulting in consistent growth without burning. 

Soil Testing

It should be noted that PJC precedes any soil amendment recommendation with soil testing. Soil test results provide a starting point and take the guesswork out of product applications. We test for pH, buffer pH, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, P/K/Mg, and % base saturation. Results show you what your soil needs to grow healthy grass.   

Want to learn more about our organic turf products and how they can help transform your turf? View our products online or contact us to discuss how to best fit them in your program. Don’t miss this important window of Spring fertility for your turf!