Benefits of Turf Blankets and Seed
Fred Newcombe

Turf blanket being removed from organic turf athletic field.

The 2024 growing season is winding down. Therefore, fall clean-ups, repairs, and irrigation blowouts are in full swing. New England winters are harsh and can be especially challenging for turf grass. In light of this, there are two final things you can do this November and December to prepare for spring play: wrap up with the benefits of turf blankets and seed.

Spring sports begin while turf grass is just starting to come out of dormancy, which increases damage in high traffic areas early in the season, making it hard to recover. Turf blankets are a simple and easy tool to mitigate this.

Benefits of Turf Blankets:
  • Extend the fall growing season and promote faster growth and green-up in the spring
  • Protect from harsh winter conditions like wind, snow, ice, and frost
  • Enhance spring growth by warming the soil while minimizing heat loss at night, allowing early season growth and stronger turf when spring sports begin
  • Use during the season after seeding to help with faster germination & root development and keep foot traffic off during repairs

For context, a turf blanket is to turf what a greenhouse is to food crops. You will avoid winter desiccation while also holding in moisture for the existing turf stand or new seed. Winter sunlight is in short supply, so capturing the valuable resource for your athletic fields is crucial.

image of turf blankets on athletic field with text listing benefits of turf blankets

Grass Seed

Depending on your location, plan to aerate and dormant seed when soil and air temperature is consistently cold in the daytime and nighttime—typically between Thanksgiving and Christmas – and cover the area with a turf blanket all winter to help with germination and establishment success.

Proven Products

             PJC Organic offers turf blankets to meet whatever your needs may be. We often recommend going with a size that gives your program the most versatility and is the easiest to handle and store. Two blankets sized for a soccer goalmouth can be doubled up for a baseball diamond. A blanket for the 50-yard line of your football field can be used to speed growth in the spring before graduation.

Turf blankets are a tremendous tool to help bolster your turf year after year. View our turf blanket video for additional benefits of this product.

… for the Next Generation

Turf blankets are an easy and inexpensive tool to add to your turf maintenance program. We’re here to help you wrap up your lawn care season strong. As you wrap up with turf blankets and seed, don’t hesitate to Contact Us for more info on organic turf care, product benefits, and pricing!