Thinking of expanding your landcare business? Business owners face decisions in the off-season on how to grow in the upcoming year. Starting an organic turf care division in your landscaping business can be profitable AND impactful. Here, we cover the “WHY?” (pesticide risks, restrictions, organic demand, and diversifying revenue), as well as the “HOW?”(PJC’s Support Services).
PJC Organic began over 20 years ago as a landscaping business solely offering organic options. We have since expanded to manufacturing and distributing all-natural turf care products. This means we’ve seen it all and know what really works.
WHY Offer Organic Turf Care?
1. Improve the Environment
Organic turf care is designed to improve soil health and avoid negative environmental impacts. Organic fertilizers are comprised of animal and plant proteins and are designed to feed the soil biology, which in-turn feeds the turf plant. Synthetic fertilizers—also called inorganic or petrochemicals—are created through an industrial process that mixes nitrogen from the air and hydrogen from natural gas. This process, called Haber-Bosch, converts these chemicals into ammonium nitrate and urea. In summary, organic fertilizers are designed to feed the plant indirectly by feeding the soil biology, whereas synthetic fertilizers are designed to feed the plant directly.
2. Risks of Pesticide Usage
We know, you know. Although, here are some resources if you need more convincing that pesticides aren’t good for us or the environment…
- Lawn & Garden Pesticides Facts & Figures, Beyond Pesticides
- Children & Pesticides Don’t Mix, Beyond Pesticides
- Pets and Pesticides, Beyond Pesticides
Furthermore, “Into the Weeds” is a documentary highlighting California groundskeeper, Dewayne “Lee” Johnson’s. Lee was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma after years of exposure to popular weed killer glyphosate. While the money machine of agrochemical companies seems endless, more and more stories like this are hitting the mainstream revealing the long-term negative side effects of synthetic chemical exposure.
3. Pesticide Restrictions are Increasing
In addition, the following cities in the U.S. are limiting lawn pesticides and fertilizers:*
- Takoma Park, Maryland (2013)
- Ogunquite ME (November 4, 2014)
- Montgomery County, Maryland (2015)
- Boulder, Colorado (May 2015)
- Portland, Maine (January 2018)
- Jupiter, Florida (2019)
- Baltimore Maryland (2020)
- Maui, Hawaii (August 2021)
- Norwalk, Conneticut (July 2022)
- Hallowell, Maine (September 2023)
4. The Organic Consumer Base is Expanding
Organic is here to stay and the market is ever-improving. The USDA reported approximately $60 billion in organic food sales in 2022 – up from an inflation adjusted $26.9 billion in 2010. You don’t have to be an economist to see the correlation between supply and demand for the consumer market on organic goods. Here is a chart from 2001-2021 that shows the growing trend:

A 2016 study from the Organic Trade Association found that more than 80% of US households purchased organic foods. Moreover, a more detailed demographic indicated that millennials were the most likely to purchase the foods. While this type of market trend may not directly convert to lawn care customers, there’s reason to believe that there will be a strong correlation moving forward. Notably, millennials are predominantly new homeowners and will be seeking this type of service for their home lawn. Their knowledge of these practices and expectations of a healthier ecosystem are higher than the previous generation. As such, people want to participate in bettering the environment.
5. Diversify Your Landscaping Business Revenue
Mixing up offerings is a great way to add revenue streams to your business. If you’re a small company focused mostly on organic gardening, round it out by offering an organic fertility program. Conversely, if you’re a bigger company focused mainly on mowing and maintenance – add organic fertilizations to capture more customer revenue and provide a better product.
Additionally, organic products and services are often associated with a ‘premium’ label. While we believe everyone should have access to organic goods, the consumer market for them is often willing to pay a higher price tag for improving the environment. Organic prices were once significantly more expensive than their synthetic counterparts. Thankfully, this gap has shrunk significantly and is coming in at a more favorable price point for applicators and consumers.
HOW to Start an Organic Turf Care Program
Not sure where to begin when starting an organic turf care division? We can help! PJC Organic offers Support Services to take the guesswork out of what you’re doing. Our support services identify where you can best incorporate organic products and services and how to best position them in your current business model. Our longstanding practical approach has helped landscapers, schools and municipalities make the switch to organic turf care for over 20 years! Here are some FAQs to guide you…
How do I price it?
A popular option with some customers is PJC Organic’s OTC Start-Up where we work with you on your current business metrics. This includes pricing, equipment, payroll, customer base, and determines options for you to roll out organic into your business. Importantly, Winter is a great time to go through this consultation exercise before you start with contract renewals for the upcoming season.
Can I be profitable?
Most certainly. We often hear that organic fertilization programs are the MOST profitable division of landscapers’ business. This includes businesses that do plant installations, snowplowing, synthetic programs, and hardscapes. Therefore, don’t hold yourself back from going green while also making more green.
Is it easy to do?
Going organic is a systems-based approach. Therefore, while the switch can take some time, overall it is rather easy to make the change. If you already have skilled applicators the switch can be quicker. With less experienced businesses we see a slight learning curve in year 1 and they tend to blast off from there.
Where do I start?
Firstly, you soil test. Secondly, we measure 4 primary criteria to get a snapshot of the underlying soil conditions. These criteria include: pH, Organic Matter, Cation Exchange Capacity and Base Saturation. Thirdly, we interpret your customers’ soil test results. From here, we provide you a letterhead with your company logo and fill out a master product spreadsheet that tracks your individual customers and product needs throughout the entire season.
Finally, need more convincing that now is the time for starting an organic turf care division? Send us a message to get started, or call us at 978-432-1019. We’re here to help and believe organic turf care can add tremendous value to your upcoming season.