Soil Chemistry

Correct pH and calcium-to-magnesium imbalances and create a hospitable environment for soil biology to grow turf.

Cultural Practices

Make the BIGGEST impact on the success of your program with proper mowing, aeration, over-seeding and irrigation practices.

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Soil Biology

Feed the microbes in the soil an All-Natural Organic Fertilizer so they remain active and in turn can feed the plant.

Soil Structure

Address organic matter and CEC deficiencies to promote the porosity and nutrient holding capacity of the soil.

PJC Resources

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Apply the right products and implement proper cultural practices for a successful all-natural Organic Turf Care (OTC) Program. Healthy turf depends on the positive interactions between: soil chemistry, soil biology, soil structure, and cultural practices. So, don’t simply swap a bag of synthetic fertilizer with organic. First, take a soil test. 

When growing turf, there are things we cannot control in the season—such as weather, temperature, and rainfall. Moreover, there are impractical things to try and change—like soil composition. Therefore, PJC Organic focuses on components we can control to cultivate positive change. All the while, we take into account budget and labor resources.

PJC’s practical approach is outlined in: “Organic Turf Care Simplified” and “10 Steps to Organic Turf Care“. 

Yes! Our fertilizers are produced around the country using all natural inputs. ProHealthy Turf ® All Natural Premium Fertilizers actually work to build the quality of the soil and encourage soil biology.
Furthermore, ProHealthy Turf fertilizers are 100% Water Insoluble Nitrogen, so they do not leach or run off and harm the environment.
Lastly, there is no contact problem for the applicator. The area is safe for use by people and pets immediately after application.

No! A fertilizer can claim to be “organic” as long as it contains carbon. An organic fertilizer can fall into many categories: plant & animal meals, animal manure, chilean nitrate, municipal & industrial waste and synthetic organics. Importantly, there are pros and cons associated with these categories, making it difficult to choose product.  Additionally, certain fertilizers lend themselves better to All-Natural Organic Turf Care (OTC) than others.

Synthetic organic fertilizers often contain Water Soluble Nitrogen (WSN) in the form of urea. Consequently, WSN synthetic organic fertilizers cause rapid shoot growth, greater potential for run-off, burning and leaching into the groundwater.

On the contrary, PJC’s ProHealthy Turf ® All Natural Premium Organic Fertilizers have a high nutrient content and are plant-based. In addition, our fertilizers have the building block amino acids necessary to encourage the micro flora in the soil that aide in plant nutrient uptake. Lastly, ProHealthy Turf ® fertilizers work WITH nature to improve soil fertility, stimulate soil biology, and add organic matter – all to promote healthy soil ecology.

No! Over time, inputs in an Organic Fertilization Program actually decrease. Our approach to organic turf care fosters soil health to encourage plant growth. Therefore soil and plant establish a dependent relationship. As a result, you save time and money in the long run! 

PJC’s ProHealthy Turf ® All Natural Premium fertilizers rely on soil biology to make the nutrients available to the plant. As such, results are seen when soil temperatures reach 50⁰F and the soil biology becomes active. Therefore, when 50⁰F soil temperatures have been achieved, initial green up occurs within 7 – 10 days. During the season, green up is consistent for longer than a synthetic program. This is because the soil stores the nutrients and feeds the plant when the plant needs the nutrients.

On the contrary, synthetic fertilizers feed the plant directly (whether it needs it or not). With synthetics, green up will occur in 2 – 3 days. However, the plant undergoes greater stress and makes it more susceptible to disease as it is forced out of dormancy.

Soil testing is the cornerstone to any successful Organic Turf Care (OTC) program. PJC’s soil test analysis provides critical information as to the current state of the soil. Therefore, you know what type and amount of product to apply. Lastly, soil testing is used as a baseline to set expectations and determine a budget.

It’s important to note that even chemically treated lawns have weeds. Although, the difference is that through PJC’s All Natural Organic Turf Care (OTC) approach, we focus on WHY there are weeds. Then, we work to improve soil conditions so there are fewer weeds. Surely, as soil conditions and cultural practices improve, the turf becomes healthier and thicker. As a result, turf can out-compete weeds.

Unlike chemical programs that require additional inputs year after year, in time an organic program will requires less. Accepting a few weeds may be part of an organic program. Although, you can still have great looking turf.

Sure, though we prefer that you don’t. The use of pesticides will slow down the positive results of an OTC program and also increase the costs and transition time. We have experience with thousands of properties that have gone ‘cold turkey’ off pesticides with no ill effect. 

If you see a need to use pesticides while you transition to an OTC program, we’re confident you can reduce pesticide use by 50% or greater when truly implementing an Integrated Pest Management
(IPM) approach. IPM means that herbicides and pesticides are not routinely applied without first confirming a problem. Many claim to adhere to IPM practices, although they apply pesticides (i.e. grub control or a pre-emergent for broad-leaf weed control) early in the season without evidence of a problem—such practices are not IPM.

The application of pesticides/herbicides and synthetic fertilizers will cause some of the soil biology to die off and others to go dormant. A successful organic program relies on active soil biology. Therefore, we recommend you apply one of PJC’s ProHealthy Turf® All Natural Premium Organic fertilizers if you apply pesticide/herbicide. This will encourage soil biology out of dormancy and begin recovery.

Probably not as much as you’re used to putting down. 

Under normal conditions in the Northeast, we recommend the application of approximately 2-2.5 pounds of N per season when using a water insoluble nitrogen (WIN) fertilizer and returning grass clippings. This works out to be approximately 3 applications of ProHealthy Turf® fertilizer at a rate of 10#/1,000sf. Likely, this is half as much nitrogen as you’re used to applying (4-5lb of N) in a season. 

By comparison, in a synthetic program, most of your nitrogen “N” is in the form of water soluble nitrogen (WSN), not WIN. Water soluble nitrogen fertilizers are prone to run-off and leaching especially under wet conditions. Subsequently, once the WSN percolates below the root zone it is forever lost to the plant. As a result, easily 50% or more of your synthetic N can be lost through run-off, leaching or excessive rain. On the contrary, with WIN products, the nutrients are held in the root zone by soil biology and released as the plant calls for them…SO, you don’t need as much because you’re not losing as much.

There are many factors that determine your turf’s transition period. First, success with an OTC program involves creating an environment conducive to growing turf. So, current soil conditions, weed & pest pressure, duration on a synthetic program, expectations, and budget, all determine how long it will take. 

In the Northeast, soils tend to be sandy loam, low in organic matter, and acidic. As such, when starting with poor soil conditions it can take 3-5 years to cultivate a dense stand of turf while working at changing and improving the underlying soil conditions. Conversely, if you start with healthy soil and a healthy stand of turf, the transition should be seamless. In addition, cultural practices can have the biggest effect either positively or negatively on the success of the program. So, whoever is responsible for maintenance is a key component.

Yes! Our fertilizers are produced around the country using all natural inputs. ProHealthy Turf ® All Natural Premium Fertilizers actually work to build the quality of the soil and encourage soil biology.
Furthermore, ProHealthy Turf fertilizers are 100% Water Insoluble Nitrogen, so they do not leach or run off and harm the environment.
Lastly, there is no contact problem for the applicator. The area is safe for use by people and pets immediately after application.

No! A fertilizer can claim to be “organic” as long as it contains carbon. An organic fertilizer can fall into many categories: plant & animal meals, animal manure, chilean nitrate, municipal & industrial waste and synthetic organics. Importantly, there are pros and cons associated with these categories, making it difficult to choose product.  Additionally, certain fertilizers lend themselves better to All-Natural Organic Turf Care (OTC) than others.

Synthetic organic fertilizers often contain Water Soluble Nitrogen (WSN) in the form of urea. Consequently, WSN synthetic organic fertilizers cause rapid shoot growth, greater potential for run-off, burning and leaching into the groundwater.

On the contrary, PJC’s ProHealthy Turf ® All Natural Premium Organic Fertilizers have a high nutrient content and are plant-based. In addition, our fertilizers have the building block amino acids necessary to encourage the micro flora in the soil that aide in plant nutrient uptake. Lastly, ProHealthy Turf ® fertilizers work WITH nature to improve soil fertility, stimulate soil biology, and add organic matter – all to promote healthy soil ecology.

No! Over time, inputs in an Organic Fertilization Program actually decrease. Our approach to organic turf care fosters soil health to encourage plant growth. Therefore soil and plant establish a dependent relationship. As a result, you save time and money in the long run! 

PJC’s ProHealthy Turf ® All Natural Premium fertilizers rely on soil biology to make the nutrients available to the plant. As such, results are seen when soil temperatures reach 50⁰F and the soil biology becomes active. Therefore, when 50⁰F soil temperatures have been achieved, initial green up occurs within 7 – 10 days. During the season, green up is consistent for longer than a synthetic program. This is because the soil stores the nutrients and feeds the plant when the plant needs the nutrients.

On the contrary, synthetic fertilizers feed the plant directly (whether it needs it or not). With synthetics, green up will occur in 2 – 3 days. However, the plant undergoes greater stress and makes it more susceptible to disease as it is forced out of dormancy.

Soil testing is the cornerstone to any successful Organic Turf Care (OTC) program. PJC’s soil test analysis provides critical information as to the current state of the soil. Therefore, you know what type and amount of product to apply. Lastly, soil testing is used as a baseline to set expectations and determine a budget.

It’s important to note that even chemically treated lawns have weeds. Although, the difference is that through PJC’s All Natural Organic Turf Care (OTC) approach, we focus on WHY there are weeds. Then, we work to improve soil conditions so there are fewer weeds. Surely, as soil conditions and cultural practices improve, the turf becomes healthier and thicker. As a result, turf can out-compete weeds.

Unlike chemical programs that require additional inputs year after year, in time an organic program will requires less. Accepting a few weeds may be part of an organic program. Although, you can still have great looking turf.

Sure, though we prefer that you don’t. The use of pesticides will slow down the positive results of an OTC program and also increase the costs and transition time. We have experience with thousands of properties that have gone ‘cold turkey’ off pesticides with no ill effect. 

If you see a need to use pesticides while you transition to an OTC program, we’re confident you can reduce pesticide use by 50% or greater when truly implementing an Integrated Pest Management
(IPM) approach. IPM means that herbicides and pesticides are not routinely applied without first confirming a problem. Many claim to adhere to IPM practices, although they apply pesticides (i.e. grub control or a pre-emergent for broad-leaf weed control) early in the season without evidence of a problem—such practices are not IPM.

The application of pesticides/herbicides and synthetic fertilizers will cause some of the soil biology to die off and others to go dormant. A successful organic program relies on active soil biology. Therefore, we recommend you apply one of PJC’s ProHealthy Turf® All Natural Premium Organic fertilizers if you apply pesticide/herbicide. This will encourage soil biology out of dormancy and begin recovery.

Probably not as much as you’re used to putting down. 

Under normal conditions in the Northeast, we recommend the application of approximately 2-2.5 pounds of N per season when using a water insoluble nitrogen (WIN) fertilizer and returning grass clippings. This works out to be approximately 3 applications of ProHealthy Turf® fertilizer at a rate of 10#/1,000sf. Likely, this is half as much nitrogen as you’re used to applying (4-5lb of N) in a season. 

By comparison, in a synthetic program, most of your nitrogen “N” is in the form of water soluble nitrogen (WSN), not WIN. Water soluble nitrogen fertilizers are prone to run-off and leaching especially under wet conditions. Subsequently, once the WSN percolates below the root zone it is forever lost to the plant. As a result, easily 50% or more of your synthetic N can be lost through run-off, leaching or excessive rain. On the contrary, with WIN products, the nutrients are held in the root zone by soil biology and released as the plant calls for them…SO, you don’t need as much because you’re not losing as much.

There are many factors that determine your turf’s transition period. First, success with an OTC program involves creating an environment conducive to growing turf. So, current soil conditions, weed & pest pressure, duration on a synthetic program, expectations, and budget, all determine how long it will take. 

In the Northeast, soils tend to be sandy loam, low in organic matter, and acidic. As such, when starting with poor soil conditions it can take 3-5 years to cultivate a dense stand of turf while working at changing and improving the underlying soil conditions. Conversely, if you start with healthy soil and a healthy stand of turf, the transition should be seamless. In addition, cultural practices can have the biggest effect either positively or negatively on the success of the program. So, whoever is responsible for maintenance is a key component.

Did You Know?

Organic Turf Care Calendar

SOIL TEST & SITE ASSESSMENT  (photos are helpful to chart progress)


– PJC ProHealthy Turf Organic Fertilizer, when soil temps are above 50°  (1st application)
– PJC Premium Grass Seed (High % perennial ryegrass)


– Property Clean Up & 1 ST Mow: start low 2”-2 ½” and increase to 3½” by end of May.
– Seed Slice and/or Lawn Fix: Top dress and over seed trouble spots or seed slice.
– Water over seeded areas 3 times a day to keep seed moist.

Over-seeding can occur until May 15th.

Artificial Vs. Natural Turf

1. Safety Concerns—While it may look flashy and play fast, there are significant player safety concerns associated with artificial turf. Increased exposure to injury risk, diseases, and heat pose legitimate concern. READ MORE>
2. Maintenance—While an artificial field doesn’t require regular mowing, irrigation, and fertilization, there is still daily maintenance required when it’s overseen properly. Maintenance includes infill material additions, grooming, irrigation, debris removal, disinfecting, drag mats, sweeping, seam repair, snow and ice management, and testing requirements. READ MORE>
3. Financial Costs—It’s a myth that synthetic fields require less maintenance, and therefore less money, than natural turf grass. We cover financial costs of artificial fields as it pertains to upkeep and replacement. READ MORE>

Looking For A Service Provider?

Landscapers in your area use our Organic All-Natural Turf Products as part of their program.