The Importance of Grass Seed
Fred Newcombe

As you’re implementing an organic turf care program, there are so many things to consider. When do I apply fertilizer? How will I fit in soil amendments? When should I over seed? What varieties should I over seed with? What will I do about weeds??? Notably, when constructing custom organic turf care programs, I always lead with the importance of grass seed.

Late summer over-seeding is just around the corner. Therefore, it’s time to order your grass seed! In the Northeast, the ideal window for over-seeding is mid-August to late September. Late summer conditions are ideal for seedling growth. The days are warm, the nights are cool and soil temperatures are consistently above 50°F. Accordingly, ordering seed NOW will ensure supply for when you need it.

Why We Over Seed

In all-natural organic turf care, thick grass, diverse species, and a tall canopy are the best defense against weeds and heavy sports use. While some cool season turf grasses have rhizomatous spreading habits – it’s unlikely that they will be aggressive enough to out compete weeds and/or establish a dense turf stand on their own. Because of frequent mowing practices, turf grass doesn’t reproduce sexually (by seed) so it’s critical to include an effective over seed strategy when looking at your seasonal program.

Choosing Grass Seed  

There is no one best cool – season grass variety.   A blend of turf grass varieties will do best based on site conditions. When choosing grass seed, consider germination time, soil temperatures, cultural practices, soil conditions and field use. Want the best chance of germination and establishment before the winter freeze? PJC Organic  premium blends have been evaluated and developed using the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP). Contact us for seed variety recommendations.

Kentucky Bluegrass – KB

  • Shade Tolerance: Poor
  • Drought Tolerance: Poor
  • Heat Tolerance: Fair
  • Wear Tolerance: Good
  • Compaction Tolerance: Medium – High
  • Germination Rate: Slow (21 – 28 days spring, 10 – 14 days late summer)
  • Feeding Need: Highest
  • Common blends: 50/50(KB/RYE). 80/20 (KB/RYE)

 Perennial Ryegrass – PR

  • Shade Tolerance: Poor
  • Drought Tolerance: Poor
  • Heat Tolerance: Fair
  • Wear Tolerance: Good
  • Compaction Tolerance: High
  • Germination Rate: Fast (5 – 7 days)
  • Feeding Need: Average
  • Common blends: 80/20 (RYE/KB) 100%(TRI RYE)

Turf Type Tall Fescue – TTTF

  • Shade Tolerance: Good
  • Drought Tolerance: Very Good
  • Heat Tolerance: Good
  • Wear Tolerance: Good
  • Compaction Tolerance: Medium
  • Germination Rate: Medium (10 – 14 days)
  • Feeding Need: Average
  • Common blends: 70/20/10, 80/10/10 (TTTF/KB/RYE), or 80/20 (TTTF/KB)

Fine Fescue – FF 

  • Shade Tolerance: Excellent
  • Drought Tolerance: Very Good
  • Heat Tolerance: Fair
  • Wear Tolerance: Low
  • Compaction Tolerance: Low
  • Germination Rate: Medium (10 – 14 days)
  • Feeding Need: Low

close up image of grass seed as all-natural weed controlOrganic lawn care professionals have a unique advantage in that they can over seed during typical application windows. As a result, lawns and fields have the added germination and establishment benefit compared to their synthetic competitors. Whether you are over seeding in Spring/Early Summer or Late Summer and Fall—PJC products like Boost+S3 and Charge-S3 aid with seed germination and establishment. Additionally, soil receives added long term benefits to your soil.

On the other hand, synthetic programs utilize herbicides and pre-emergents that linger in the soil for weeks. Those synthetic products are non-selective in attacking the seeds in the soil that are preparing to germinate—which dramatically decreases over seed windows and limits germination efficacy for desirable turf grass species.

When selling your programs to clients, explain to them the value of over seeding to grow a more resilient lawn. Therefore, the cost should simply be considered as an alternative to expensive and environmentally damaging herbicides (which ultimately don’t get more grass into the turf stand).

Now that you know the importance of grass seed, get your orders in now to ensure preparedness for your Late-Summer over seed. Want the best chance of germination and establishment before the winter freeze? PJC Organic  premium blends have been evaluated and developed using the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP).  Reach out for more info on how our grass seed can take your turf to the next level!