In the Northeast, beetles are currently flying. Accordingly, they’re laying eggs throughout July. These eggs turn into grubs that feed on the root systems of
PJC Blogs
The Presence of Red Thread We recently received a call from Dana Millar of Dana Design’s—one of PJC’s long-standing customers*—asking “Why, at the end of
While it trended decades ago, there is a resurgence in the interest of incorporating clover in turf grasses. In UMASS Extension’s Monthly E-Newsletter, Jason Lanier—UMass
The Cause of Weeds in Your Lawn
Summer weeds are arriving on the coattails of spring weeds. Environmental conditions like drought and extreme heat make it difficult for cool-season turf grasses to
Spring has sprung, and soon, so will weeds. When scouting lawns and athletic fields for weeds it’s important to ask yourself: “WHY is this weed
Even though dandelions can be difficult to control since their seeds travel via the wind, you can manage them organically. A dandelions rosette is easy
What is Clover? Today is the first day of Spring! As the days get longer and the soil begins to warm, the turf grass will start to
Given the time of year, you may be wondering why you have grubs… Grub Lifecycle In the Northeast, damage to turf is a result of
Still battling crabgrass? Want to get rid of it organically? Crabgrass This warm season annual grass shows up in your lawn in two varieties –
By now you should be mowing at a height of 3 ½″. Mowing height is an important cultural practice to help control crabgrass. Mowing at