Dormant Not Dead Grass
Fred Newcombe

As I write this, today’s high temperature is supposed to reach 94˚. According to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs—as of July 12, 2016—109 municipalities had mandatory water restrictions while an additional 10 had voluntary water restrictions. It’s no surprise that we look out at our lawns and see dormant not dead grass.

So what does this mean for your lawns?

Not to worry! It is time to take a break from mowing. The cool-season grasses, Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass and fescue, favored in the northern half of the country have gone into dormancy. Since cool-season grasses thrive in temperatures from 65 to 75⁰ F they exhibit two growth spurts; first in the spring and again in the fall. So, just as the cool-season grasses came out of dormancy in the spring; they will do so again in the fall. Remember: dormant grass, not dead grass!