Warm weather may feel far off, but it’s important that we’re looking ahead to what spring grass seed our lawns will need. In all-natural organic
PJC Blogs
Artificial Versus Natural Athletic Fields
With efforts to increase the sustainability of our communities, there’s a push towards artificial over natural athletic fields. These fields may seem environmentally friendly because
Are All Organic Fertilizers the Same?
Are all organic fertilizers the same? No. Organic fertilizers feed soil biology and soil biology feeds the plant. Using an organic fertilizer slowly releases nutrients
Liquid Versus Granular Fertilizers
We are often asked: What are the benefits and distinctions between liquid versus granular fertilizers? To decide what kind of fertilizer to use, and how
Organic Turf Care for Municipalities
When looking for ways to reduce the environmental impact of municipalities, what is occurring on our town parks and athletic fields is often overlooked. Although,
Practical Approach and Proven Products
Whether you are starting or growing your organic division, utilizing a practical approach and proven products is critical to your success. Remember that a solid program
Evaluation of Glyphosate Risks
This morning I received an email from Glyphosate Girl highlighting that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a Draft Biological Evaluation of the potential risks
End of Season Turf Tips – Winter
As we sit between Thanksgiving and Christmas, you can chip away at some final end of season turf tips. Soil Amendments- Most soil amendments can
Liming provides at least three benefits important to growing healthy turf
Claims against Bayer have more than doubled the number of plaintiffs that Roundup causes cancer. NEW CLAIMS Since early July the number of plaintiffs claiming