PJC’s Practical Organic Turf Care Approach When it comes to growing turf, there are things we cannot control and things that are unrealistic to try
PJC Blogs
Healthy soil for healthy turf means addressing Soil Chemistry, Soil Biology, Soil Structure, and Cultural Practices. As such, we developed our Healthy Turf Circle as
Benefits of Turf Blankets and Seed
The 2024 growing season is winding down. Therefore, fall clean-ups, repairs, and irrigation blowouts are in full swing. New England winters are harsh and can
Do you know why we lime in the Fall? The function of limestone is to reduce the acidity of the soil and change the pH (potential
Two Important Fall Cultural Practices
Cultural practices are arguably the most critical component of PJC Organic’s Healthy Turf Circle. While we love talking about Soil Chemistry, Soil Biology, and Soil
Fall in New England is known for its beautifully forested landscape changing colors. It’s also the best time of the year for cool-season turf grasses
Early Summer Turf Tips: Part 1
As the end of the Spring season is nearing, keep in mind the following early Summer turf tips. You want to implement these prasctices to
The Importance of Organic Matter in Lawns
Organic Matter is necessary to fuel resilient turf, especially during Spring’s moisture and fluctuating temperatures. The importance of Organic Matter (OM) is evident. OM is
Early Spring Turf Care This time of year sets the stage for your turf’s success in the upcoming months. Therefore, let’s address the importance of
Spring organic turf tips?! YES, even though winter hardly showed its face, and weather is largely in flux. Nevertheless, prep for the season ahead. Get