Late Summer Turf Tips: Part 1
Fred Newcombe

As we transition out of July heat and into prime turf growing season, optimize your opportunity to grow lush green grass with these late summer turf tips! Don’t skip a beat these next few weeks and set yourself up for your best growing season yet.

  1. Irrigation Audit

If you’re watering, test and check all of your irrigation heads to ensure you are maximizing coverage. Additionally, take into account natural rainfall…water is a precious resource! Watering efficiently will help give your established turf and germinating seedlings the best chance to take root and push vigorous shoots. Check out our blog on best watering practices for more details.

  1. Repair and Level Trouble Areas

Before you get back into the routine maintenance schedule, take time to repair trouble spots.  PJC Organic recommends a 60/40 loam compost mixed with seed for repairs. Use a 2”x4” board or a leveling rake to blend with surrounding areas. Whether it’s a goal mouth or an area holding water in a client’s backyard, premix seed with your top dress blend and give a little TLC to those trouble spots. Consistency is key with trouble areas. Therefore, we recommend repairs each season. Stick with it and the results will speak volumes to your customers.

  1. Sharpen Mower Blades and Clean Mower Decks

After approximately 25 hours of use, be sure to sharpen your mower blades! As a result, you will prevent damage to grass blades. If you notice your grass has white tips it’s an indication that your dull mower blades may be tearing the grass. Also, remember to keep grass height at a minimum height of 3” to crowd out weeds and return clippings. Clean equipment reduces the spread of disease. Keep your mower decks clean between sites and do a daily detail. Lastly, if you’re eager for more mowing tips, read our blogs “What Height to Mow Lawns and Athletic Fields” and “Best Mowing Practices“.

  1. Soil Test

Importantly, every 3 years perform a soil test. For accurate results, be sure to test at least 6 weeks after your last fertilizer application and before any late summer product apps. Run your tests through us to make your product recommendations easy and keep your focus on turf.

In conclusion, utilize these Late Summer Turf Tips, and stay tuned for part two tips, to make sure you are transitioning out of summer well and setting up for a successful fall.