Healthy soil for healthy turf means addressing Soil Chemistry, Soil Biology, Soil Structure, and Cultural Practices. As such, we developed our Healthy Turf Circle as
PJC Blogs
It’s mid September and winter may feel far off, but it will be here before we know it. Therefore, we want you to finish your
The Importance of Organic Matter in Lawns
Organic Matter is necessary to fuel resilient turf, especially during Spring’s moisture and fluctuating temperatures. The importance of Organic Matter (OM) is evident. OM is
Does Turf Need Mycorrhizal Fungi Applications?
Many are familiar with the symbiotic association of mycorrhizal fungi and plants. So, does turf need mycorrhizal fungi applications too? There’s a movement in the
Last week, we reviewed the important benefits of lime, today we’re covering the basics of applying lime. Often, not nearly enough lime is put down
The benefits of lime are a’plenty! 3 Important Benefits improves soil chemistry encourages beneficial soil biology helps soil structure Chemistry of the Soil The function
Spring Weeds: Chickweed and Plantain
Following last week’s blog on clover and dandelions, this week we’re looking at the spring weeds: chickweed and plantain. Our Organic Turf Care Calendar breaks down cultural
The best way to counteract weeds in an all-natural organic turf care program is to get grass growing. Soil temps, germination time frames, and pH
Prep Your Lawn this Spring, Organically
As we move into April it’s still too early to tell what this season will hand us, but we are hopeful temperatures will continue to
Practical Approach to Organic Turf
Taking care of your lawn organically doesn’t have to be confusing. We break down what a practical approach to organic turf care looks like. 1.