Financial Costs of Artificial Fields
It is a myth that synthetic fields require less maintenance, and therefore less money, than natural turfgrass. Here, we’ll look at the financial costs of
PJC Blogs
Financial Costs of Artificial Fields
It is a myth that synthetic fields require less maintenance, and therefore less money, than natural turfgrass. Here, we’ll look at the financial costs of
Starting an Organic Turf Care Division in Your Landscaping Business
Thinking of expanding your landcare business? Business owners face decisions in the off-season on how to grow in the upcoming year. Starting an organic turf
Early Summer Turf Tips: Part 1
As the end of the Spring season is nearing, keep in mind the following early Summer turf tips. You want to implement these prasctices to
Healthy soil for turf means addressing Soil Chemistry, Soil Biology, Soil Structure, and Cultural Practices. As such, we developed our Healthy Turf Circle as the
Discount on PJC’s Organic Turf Products
Our Early Order Program is here: Receive a discount on PJC’s Organic Turf Products! Lock in current pricing and save up to 5% on next
(10 Minute Read) The end of the season is here and we have 10 tips for taking care of turf in Winter. Close out the
Organic Turf Care Simplified As we transition out of July heat and into prime turf growing season, follow these late-summer organic turf tips. We want
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PJC Organic is a division of PJC & Company Ecological Land Care, Inc.