Healthy soil for healthy turf means addressing Soil Chemistry, Soil Biology, Soil Structure, and Cultural Practices. As such, we developed our Healthy Turf Circle as
PJC Blogs
The Importance of Organic Matter in Lawns
Organic Matter is necessary to fuel resilient turf, especially during Spring’s moisture and fluctuating temperatures. The importance of Organic Matter (OM) is evident. OM is
Organic Turf Care Simplified As we transition out of July heat and into prime turf growing season, follow these late-summer organic turf tips. We want
Does Turf Need Mycorrhizal Fungi Applications?
Many are familiar with the symbiotic association of mycorrhizal fungi and plants. So, does turf need mycorrhizal fungi applications too? There’s a movement in the
The CEO of PJC Organic celebrates her birthday today! So, we sat down with Pam Newcombe to hear more about her work and influence. View
(10 Minute Read) The end of the season is here and we have 10 Winter organic turf tips for ya! Close out the season well,
The 2022 growing season is nearly finished – fall clean ups, repairs, and irrigation blowouts should all be completed. New England winters are harsh and
Aerating Versus Seed Slicing This Spring
It’s common to thicken lawns this time of year. Let’s look at the pros and cons of aerating versus seed slicing. Aerating A core aerator
Practical Approach to Organic Turf
Taking care of your lawn organically doesn’t have to be confusing. We break down what a practical approach to organic turf care looks like. 1.
Organic Turf Care for Municipalities
When looking for ways to reduce the environmental impact of municipalities, what is occurring on our town parks and athletic fields is often overlooked. Although,