Aerating Versus Seed Slicing This Spring
It’s common to thicken lawns this time of year. Let’s look at the pros and cons of aerating versus seed slicing. Aerating A core aerator
PJC Blogs
Aerating Versus Seed Slicing This Spring
It’s common to thicken lawns this time of year. Let’s look at the pros and cons of aerating versus seed slicing. Aerating A core aerator
The best way to counteract weeds in an all-natural organic turf care program is to get grass growing. Soil temps, germination time frames, and pH
End of Season Turf Tips – Winter
As we sit between Thanksgiving and Christmas, you can chip away at some final end of season turf tips. Soil Amendments- Most soil amendments can
Liming provides at least three benefits important to growing healthy turf
It’s fall so, like many landscapers, you’re probably getting ready to start liming. Although, what are the benefits of lime? Liming provides three potential benefits
As I write this, today’s high temperature is supposed to reach 94˚. According to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs—as of July
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PJC Organic is a division of PJC & Company Ecological Land Care, Inc.