Early Spring Turf Care This time of year sets the stage for your turf’s success in the upcoming months. Therefore, let’s address the importance of
PJC Blogs
Early Spring Turf Care This time of year sets the stage for your turf’s success in the upcoming months. Therefore, let’s address the importance of
Differences Between Organic Fertilizers
Many products are marketed as organic, but consumers rarely know the differences behind the bag. Certain fertilizers lend themselves better to an All-Natural Organic Turf
Discount on PJC’s Organic Turf Products
Our Early Order Program is here: Receive a discount on PJC’s Organic Turf Products! Lock in current pricing and save up to 5% on next
(10 Minute Read) The end of the season is here and we have 10 tips for taking care of turf in Winter. Close out the
Field Study: Soil Balancing – What Ohio State University is learning about Calcium in Soil and Weeds. Today, we’re looking at two articles written by
Looking for Summer watering tips? Wondering how you should you be watering your turf this season? Keep reading. Cultural Practices are integral to the success
The Cause of Weeds in Your Lawn
Summer weeds are arriving on the coattails of spring weeds. Environmental conditions like drought and extreme heat make it difficult for cool-season turf grasses to
Why Calcium is Important for Turf Growth
PJC Organic is proud to stay up to date on the best research available. We’re able to provide our customers with quality organic product recommendations
Cultural practices are arguably the most critical component of PJC Organic’s Healthy Turf Circle. While we love talking about Soil Chemistry, Soil Biology, and Soil
WHY Soil Test Ok folks, if you’ve been following along you know that we always start with a…SOIL TEST! Our approach focuses on feeding the
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PJC Organic is a division of PJC & Company Ecological Land Care, Inc.